"There are only two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is." Albert Einstein expressed so eloquently a life philosophy predicated upon gratitude and thankfulness.
In keeping with the tradition of giving thanks, We are thankful for all the wonderful people who allow us to share our life with them: family, friends, colleagues and clients (many of whom have become friends). We are extremely thankful for the privilege of having all of you in our lives.
Gratitude and thankfulness provides a mindset that allows us to see the good in the people who make up our lives and this vision extends to the world at large.
When we view our relationships and our life through the eyes of gratitude and thankfulness, our inner world becomes a place of peace, joy, happiness and tranquility; it radiates out from our very core and influences our external reality.
Thankfulness puts us in a place where we truly want to give back to the world for all we have; it injects positive feelings into our relationships and allows them to expand from a place of love and abundance.
As the hustle and bustle of this holiday season begins, remember to express your thanks and gratitude to the people who make up the relationships with whom you share your life!
Barbara, Rohanna,
the Aurora goddesses and wellness warriors